Aiding Same-Sex Couples Facing A Range Of Pre- And Post-Marriage Issues
As same-sex marriage is now formally recognized in Indiana, many couples must face decisions regarding how they will move forward with their relationship. No matter how you and your significant other or spouse decide to proceed with your relationship, we provide the legal options you need to protect yourselves, as well as the answers and information to understand and exercise your rights.
At Cross Glazier Reed Burroughs, PC, we have decades of experience in family law, and our team of attorneys understands how to apply the law to same-sex couple situations — both married couples and unmarried.
If you and your significant other or spouse are facing a relationship transition or divorce, please contact our law offices to learn how we can help. Call 317-669-9134 or toll free at 317-669-9134 .
Premarital Agreements
Premarital agreements are treated like any other written contract. The terms are flexible and can be adjusted to fit your particular needs. They can be used to determine various property rights between spouses in the event that a marriage is later dissolved or in the event one spouse predeceases the other. Prenuptial agreements can also determine issues of spousal maintenance or payment of legal fees in the event of divorce. They can address issues of what a spouse receives where one spouse predeceases the other and can be used to waive the right to inherit from the other spouse.
Same-Sex Divorce, Property Division And Custody Matters
If you and your spouse are seeking to part ways through divorce, we can help you understand all rights and options available. We will facilitate the property division process, characterizing and valuing all property to be included in the division.
If you and your spouse have adopted a child (through stepparent adoption or second parent adoption) or had a child through other means, our lawyers will help you understand your parental rights. Our same-sex parent adoption attorneys will also explain the implications of each option and how it might affect your future relationship with your child.
For more information about relationship transitions and divorce, please contact our firm at 317-669-9134.