Working For You And Yours On A Range Of Child Matters
The outcomes of child-related family law issues have the potential to frame the future of a child and his or her relationship with the parents and family. It is critical that you have sound legal guidance throughout any legal proceedings to protect your child’s best interests and your rights as a parent.
The attorneys of Cross Glazier Reed Burroughs, PC, have decades of combined experience working with all types of family law and complex child-related legal issues. We will provide clear and knowledgeable guidance throughout the case, ensuring that you fully understand all available options and rights so that you can make the best possible decisions for yourself and your children.
To learn more about how we can advocate on your behalf during this time, please contact our Indianapolis law firm today at 317-669-9134 or toll free at 317-669-9134 .
Child Custody And Visitation Solutions For Your Family
The firm handles all family law issues related to children and their parents, including:
- Child custody and support — Our lawyers will assist you in protecting your parental rights and in the pursuit of your goal of being provided with adequate time with your children after divorce. A child support order can require complicated income calculations or be a matter of simple calculations from pay stubs. In either case, our attorneys are experienced in the process and able to assist you in accomplishing the appropriate result.
- Parenting time — Parenting plans are structured schedules allowing both parents quality time with their children, regardless of the custody arrangement. They are intended to create an environment in which the child can thrive and foster a healthy relationship with both parents. The interests of the child are paramount, the goal being to facilitate his/her adjustment to divorce and development into a healthy adult.
- Parenting coordinator — In high-conflict situations, the court may order the parents to seek the services of a parent coordinator to facilitate and ease the transition into co-parenting under the new divorce decree.
- Child relocation — If the custodial parent decides to move away from the original area, there are specific legal requirements. We can help you navigate the relocation process, whether you are the one advocating for the relocation or the parent opposing it.
- Child support emancipation — At the age of 19, a child is emancipated for purposes of child support and a parent’s support obligation will generally terminate. Under certain circumstances, a parent’s obligation to pay for his or her child’s college tuition, school expenses and other costs can be extended beyond age 19. We will help you understand your options as these issues arise.
- Adoption — Our firm is committed to helping families grow through adoption, whether stepparent, grandparent adoptions or adoptions involving same-sex marriages or domestic partnerships.
- Grandparents’ visitation rights
- Paternity — Whether you are seeking child support from the father of your child or wanting to establish your rights as a father, we can assist in the process of filing a paternity case and seeking the necessary genetic testing.
Our firm understands the importance and life-changing repercussions of child custody and support-related issues. We will zealously advocate protection of the relationship you have with your children by providing experienced legal solutions and compassionate representation.