A college education provides professional opportunities but can come at a large cost. Although families often have a plan in place to cover the expense of post-secondary education, those plans are impacted if the parents go through a divorce. Parents who are in this...
Child Support
When does child support terminate in Indiana?
It is no surprise the children can become connected to the stepparent, and that the stepparent can grow to also view the children as their own, someone they care for and love as they would their own biological children. Data from a recent study conducted by Pew...
Court of Appeals of Indiana decides on voluntary underemployment in child support
When parents separate, the state expects both parents to provide financially for their children. Indiana child support is set by certain state guidelines based on several factors, including the income of both parents. Indiana's Child Support Guidelines do not just...
Indiana Family Law Case Update: Parents’ regional cost of living disparities to be considered in child support calculations
When calculating child support, Indiana courts should consider whether one of the parents lives in a location with an unusually different cost of living than Indiana, so held the Indiana Court of Appeals recently.
What happens if you don’t pay child support in Indiana?
Every parent has an obligation to take care of their child financially until they're of age to do so themselves. Indiana state law requires moms and dads to provide for their kids' needs until they're 19-years-old. It's at that age that a parent's obligation to make...
Changed circumstances may lead to child support modifications
When the court sets up your child support obligations during a divorce, they look at all of your current financial information. This generally just means how much you earn, how much you owe, what other obligations you have and things of this nature.However, your child...
Child support may not end at adulthood
Parents who are ordered to pay child support generally assume that it will last until the child becomes an adult. This is often true, but there is one key exception to keep in mind: Children with a disability.Remember, a child who is disabled or who has special needs...
4 reasons that child support ends
If you are ordered to pay child support in your divorce, your first question may very well be how long you need to pay it. Is this something you have to work through for the next year, for the next decade or forever? You have to know what type of financial impact...
Does child support decrease when a child goes to college?
Child support obligations often end when the child turns 18 and becomes emancipated, meaning the child can support themselves. Since your ex is no longer supporting them, you no longer have to pay support either.However, in some cases, a child who attends college is...
Questions you must ask when ordered to pay child support
As you get closer to a divorce, you realize that you are going to be ordered to pay child support. You cannot see any way around it. While you do not mind paying because you want to help your children, you also realize that you need to learn as much as possible about...