Divorce can be a complex and emotionally taxing process. There are various options to navigate this process, including litigation, collaborative law, and mediation. Litigation can involve a contentious courtroom battle while mediation and collaborative law can lead to...
Common Misconceptions about Mediation in Family Law Cases
Common Misconceptions about Mediation in Family Law Cases From the high-profile divorces of Hollywood’s elite down to the kitchen-table negotiations of the everyday person, family law issues can impact anyone. Mediation has emerged as a pivotal tool to help both sides...
Understanding the role of a family law mediator: What to expect
You know your marriage is over, but you want to end it amicably, if possible. Maybe you have children and want to better ensure the coparenting relationship goes smoothly, or you have a business and want to reduce the risk of media attention that could have a negative...
Is mediation right for my divorce?
Gone are the days when the only way to finalize a divorce was a courtroom battle. Those who choose to end their marriage now have options, including alterative dispute resolution (ADR). One example is mediation. How is mediation different from going to court?...
Mediation and the divorce process
Going through a divorce need not require spouses to “battle” it out in a courtroom. Indeed, far more divorces are resolved out of the courtroom through negotiation, often with the help of a trained mediator. Known as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), mediation...